Mon, 17 December 2012
In this Quackcast Banes and I come back to our series on real world comic collaboration. If you've been listening a while you may recall that he and I decided to start up a comic together between the two of us. We talked about the process of getting that started. Here we revisit the idea and talk about how we're going with it so far... have there been any arguments? Any flakeouts? Disasters? Can Banes get his soufflé to rise juuuuust right? Will Ozone fail in his first catwalk runway show? The viewers must know! A collaborative comedy comic is a hard road when you're starting from scratch and we give you a real world view on how we two are doing with it. WYIHN - Project Jikoku - Banes, my magical co-elf -
Direct download: Quackcast_106_-_Real_world_comic_collab_part_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:46am PST
Mon, 10 December 2012
Summary: So back to what it IS... Well it's a lucky dip fan art thing. The people who sign up request what they'd like to receive and then after the deadline they're randomly and in secret assigned one of their fellow list members, so it's a surprise who you get your art present done by! So sign up, it might be ME who does your present! ^_^ The Flower and The Nose - The Godstrain - Secret Santa sign-up thread - Skool's lovely newspost about it: The man of the hour, Reashi - Reashi's comics, Lost Ages - Project Darklight - Banes, my magical co-elf -
Direct download: Quackcast_105_-_the_secret_society_of_Santas.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:12am PST
Fri, 30 November 2012
24 hour comics day was on the 20th of October! Buuuut, we dodn't cover that for the Quackcast because we were too into our halloweeeenie plans, I think... or maybe we were just being lazy, I fergit. Anyway, in this week's Quackcast we speak to someone who actually participated in the great and fabled rituals surrounding the legendary event to get an inside perspective on just exactly how things work. To that end Dr Banes and I packed up our carpetbags, shucked on our greatcoats and top hats and did up each other's gaiters in order to travel to merry Ye'olde Engal-land to speak to one of its inhabitants who was rumoured to be a man of great knowledge on this subject. There we encountered a fellow by the name of Tom, or Call Me Tom to be exact, a fine figure of a man, raw boned and massive, standing well nigh over nine feet tall and a million inches, bald as a coot on top, with red sidewhiskers down to his knees. He was good enough to let us into the secret lore of 24 hour comics day!
Direct download: Quackcast_104_-_Call_me_24_hour_comic_Tom.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:11pm PST
Mon, 12 November 2012
They say a long journey begins with a single step... Banes and I are undertaking just such a journey, undertaking a collaborative comic between the two of us! In this Quackcast we finally try and put all the theory into practise, remembering what we have learned from all our many previous Quackcasts on the subject of collaboration and attempting to find what out of all that is most useful to us in our stab at doing a collaborative web-comic.We undertook this Quackcast with no plan or structure, so please forgive us if it was a bit ropey, it was really just an attempt to document the beginning of our collaboration.
Direct download: Quackcast_103_-_begining_a_collaboration_a_single_step.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:55am PST
Mon, 5 November 2012
For Quackcast 101 and 102 now and the coming of Halloween Banes and I returned to the theme of horror, opening the subject up to contributions from the community! We start off with a tale of horror and fear from the cold, white frozen north... And then diving back into the subject of horror pop-culture, delving into many other interesting sidetracks along the way like people with weird eyes and other standard horror techniques. Again Banes was our editor and musician, outdoing himself masterfully with his SFX and amazing horror music... This week, staring Ozombieocean, Ghoulmunkee and Pains! A$$hole - -
Horror thread:
Direct download: Quackcast_102_-__Banes_and_Ozones_Bogus_Journey.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:03pm PST
Mon, 29 October 2012
For Quackcast 101 and the coming of Halloween, Banes and I thought we'd return to horror yet again. This time we opened the subject to the DD community to get their thoughts on the subject: What are your fave horror stories, What do you find scary, How do you go about writing horror, What makes good horror, Bad horror? People's responses were quite varied and very interesting! This week Banes was our editor and musician, adding all sorts of special horror SFX. Willem - Adventures of Wristance - -
Horror thread: Gullas, aka leatherface -
Direct download: Quackcast_101_-_Horror_mark_II_part_one..mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:05pm PST
Mon, 22 October 2012
In Quackcast 100 we open up the influential stories topic to the community! Our Duckers let us know what stories have made the biggest impact on them as creators and comicers. Banes and I read them out in hilarious voices with lots of laughing at our own jokes... but don't let that take you away from the clever stuff people have written! There's a lot of very interesting things to gain from their reading experiences. And because this is number 100 we celebrate with a reprise of Banes' lovely Dylanesque performance of Gunwallace's Dungeon song! Willem - Goblin Tale - -
Stories thread: Gunwallace -
Mon, 15 October 2012
This week Banes and I are once again joined by the two lovely and talented comic creators Tantz Aerine and Pit Face. They share with us their thoughts on the upcoming phenomena of Halloween it's impact on and traditional place in web-comics annually, beasties and monsters associated with it and monsters in general, fears and nasties, superstitions and all sorts of fun stuff. Listen as we have a rollicking good time together in our own informative way. Odd Days -
Monochromatic -
Feature catch-up: Turner and Hercules -
Co-host: The mighty-mighty-boss-Banes -
Our amazing guests: Their comics: Brave Resistance - Without Moonlight - Putrid Meat - QUACKCAST 101 - needs your contribution! Subject: Horror halloweeeeeeen!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Please contribute to Quackcast 100 and tell us about YOUR favourite stories!
Mon, 8 October 2012
This week Bane's bright idea was to talk about our favourite stories and explain just WHY they're our faves, telling about what we take away from them or how they've changed us or formed us, what resonated in those stories with us. I talk about books, Banes draws from a book, movie and comic, because he's cleverer and came up with the idea in the first place. Quackcast 101 in 2 weeks will be on the same subject but this time asking YOU what YOUR fave stories are, so don't forget to tell us in the thread in the General Discussion forum! -
Books/stories mentioned: (search these out people, they're GREAT!) Nobody’s Fool, starring Paul Newman IT, by Stephen King
Please contribute to Quackcast 101and tell us about YOUR favourite stories!
Direct download: Quackcast_98_-Storytime_with_Dr_Banes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:08pm PST
Tue, 2 October 2012
This Quackcast is a grab-bag of things. Mostly newsy stuff and chats with Skoolmunkee! We talk about how Wowio is dying to promote DD artist's stuff through all sorts of social networking stuff like Twitter, a Youtube vid chanel, tumblr, Facebook, Google + etc, HUNGRY for user news!!! We also talk about this new thing we want to try with DD: Hangouts on Google+ with DD people- basically video get togethers that will be broadcast at the same time on Youtube, we can all draw, do comics, learn, teach, whatever. AND we want vids for the Wowio-Duck-Popgalaxy Youtube channel. They could promote your comic, be a short tute on your methods, a comic review, anything DD comic related.
Direct download: Quackcast_97_-Snotmunkee_brings_the_news.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:08pm PST
Mon, 24 September 2012
Fact one, BANES invented Freals! In this Quackcast that we recorded weeks and weeks ago, Banes and I read out many of the funny and interesting facts from the Cool Facts thread in the Random Discussion part of our forum. Then we added lots of funny asides. We thought it was hilarious and we hope you do to. The Cool Facts thread was started by Subcultured, one of our original and best mods ever on DD, and has been contributed to by many DDers over the years.
Direct download: Quackcast_96_-_Welcome_to_the_Fact-cast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:18am PST
Mon, 17 September 2012
Our very special guest this week is the lovely Claire Leona, known as kawaiidaigakusei on DD, she's the author and artist behind the long-running comic Kawaii Daigakusei that was recently featured! Kawai Daigakusei is about a young woman growing up and finding her place in the world. Learning how to have relationships, learning about the world of art, and indulging in her passion for videogames and fast cars. In this interview we get into some behind the scenes info about leona's comic, we learn what inspired her, where real life ends and the comic begins, what it's like to produce such a large body of work, and how what she's learned in her comic has helped her in her proffessional life and vice versa!
Direct download: Quackcast_95_-_Kawaii_Daigakusei_Confidential.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:15am PST
Mon, 10 September 2012
Banes and I give the webcomics of Drunk Duck a chance to shine! For Quackcast 94 we asked our webcomic creators to write short intros to their comics from their comic character's point of view as a way to creatively advertise their comic in a really fun and entertaining way, as well as giving us a short little Haiku inspired by their comic. We had lots of great contributions from many creators which we had acted out by various people who did amazing performances- Don't miss Bravo as Grey guy Hank, Abt_Nihil doing Holon, Ayesinback doing Tao of Kenji, Pit Face doing Gretchen from Putrid Meat, Usedbooks' friend doing Usedbooks, and Skoolmunkee, Banes and I acting the rest. We'll put Gunwallace's song in NEXT week, promise!
Direct download: Quackcast_94_-_character_intro_webcomic_special.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:08pm PST
Mon, 3 September 2012
Banes and I chat with Tantz Aerine and Pitface, two talented and beautiful web-comicing women who are authors of their own great individual works (Without Moonlight and Putrid Meat to name a few) as well as their amazing collaborative WW2 Greek resistance war comic Brave Resistance, featuring dastardly Nazis, a brave native American pilot, and the heroic Greek resistance fighters. We chat about collaborative working styles that involve people working together halfway around the world - Tantz in Greece and Pit in the States - as well as all aspects of the story of Brave Resistance and up coming plot points.
Direct download: Quackcast_93_-_American_Tantz_Aerine_and_Greek_Pit_Face.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:42pm PST
Mon, 27 August 2012
For the 92nd Quackcast we return we return to Australian heroine and flying ace Noelle Dreves and and international bon vivant and professional wine taster Skoolmunkee chatting with me about women in webcomics! This is the second part of the two-parter that began with Quackcast 90. We begin with Discussion Pinky TA, as you do!
Direct download: Quackcast_92_-_Women_femenisim_and_comics_with_Noelle_Dreves_part_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:17pm PST
Mon, 20 August 2012
Banes introduces the 2012 DD radio play! Maxwell McDuff must face his most diabolical trial yet in... THE DUCK ALWAYS QUACKS TWICE! He's joined by many other notable and fiendish characters in this new and epic adventure involving anvils, Maltese quails, crocodiles, and terrifying torture!
Direct download: Quackcast__91_-_The_Quack_Always_Casts_Twice_2012_DD_rado_play.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:06am PST
Mon, 13 August 2012
For the 90th Quackcast we have two special guests: Skoolmunkee and Noelle Dreves! These two ladies are on to talk about women in webcomics and popular culture in general from an ever so slightly feminist point of view, with me along just agreeing with everything. We discuss a bunch of topics rape, sexuality, sexy outfits and more. You should know Noelle from her amazing featured comics, Strange Case and Dangermoth! This is the first part of a two parter. The DD play will be next week and the second part will come on after that!
Direct download: Quackcast_90_-_Women_femenisim_and_comics_with_Noelle_Dreves_part_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:10am PST
Mon, 6 August 2012
For Quackcast 89 we wanted to know people's ideas on Feedback! How do you get it? Do you want it? How do you take it? How SHOULD you take it? How do you give it? What do you prefer, praise, abuse, critisism or advice? Banes and I discuss feedback in all its variations and incarnations, using the wise, learned and experienced words of our valued contributors. There were some really interesting and insightful things said by our contributors about advice, criticism, praise, abuse, and sycophancy.
Mon, 30 July 2012
This is a Quackcast segment that visits old forum threads... funny ones. Well, at least ones that Banes and I found amusing; Gems like "how does your brain say people's usernames?", "cool facts", "UFO stories". Banes and I read these wired and funny thing and try to BE funny as we do it... that's harder than it seems, and I don't think we always manage too well, but at least SOME of the time there's SOMEthing to laugh at! - even if it's just the two idiots yammering away on the podcast. Topics and Show Notes:
Direct download: Quackcast_88_-_A_funny_thing_happened_on_the_way_to_the_forum.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:21am PST
Mon, 23 July 2012
What are the Do's and Do Not Do's when it comes to creating protagonists and antagonists??? For Quackcast 87 we asked for people's opinions on making heroes and villains, we asked who are some of your fave heroes and villains? What makes your own characters such good heroes or villains? What are YOUR Do's and Donts, how do YOU prefer to construct your heroes and villains? Is the hero just a hero because they're the protagonist? Or are they a classic hero?
Mon, 16 July 2012
Our idea was to revisit some of the interesting featured comics from the past years... We picked features that appeal to us and that are still on the site, commenting about what we like and don't like about the art, writing, design, style of humour, type of story, and the genre.We hope this will be an interesting topic to revisit in future Quackcasts too. The feature spotlight is fleeting and only happens once to a comic, then they sink away again, so it's worth having another look at the great and wonderful glories of the past to see just how great and wonderful they were! I'm joined again on the Quackcast by my personable and friendly voiced co-host Banes!
Direct download: Quackcast_86_-_Ghosts_of_features_past.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:35am PST
Mon, 9 July 2012
Today lba/Alex Groh is the subject of Quackcast 85. He speaks about how webcomics had a part in his higher education and his transition to his working life as a professional illustrator and graphic artist.
Mon, 2 July 2012
This week we have an interview with another of my webcomic heroes: the fabulously talented Barb Jacobs, Author of the very popular webcomics Xylia and Talisman/Return to Donnely/Return of the Exile - yes, it had each of those names at one stage. Here she shares with us what makes a professional tick, the ups and downs of an independent webcomicer making money from her art and taking her stuff onto bigger and better things, as well as the constant struggle all webcomicers face: trying to maintain the drive to create in the face of all real life throws at you. Barb started at Drunk Duck, got picked up by Keenspot, got picked up by a real publisher and then other things happened from there- listen to find out!
Direct download: Quackcast_84_-_Barb_Jacobs_and_her_beautiful_comics.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:14am PST
Mon, 25 June 2012
In comedy, funny, humour, gags, all that stuff! What's your opinion, there is always a bit of a divide between "dirty" and "clean" humour. Obviously "clean" humour has a much wider potential market, while "dirty" humour is a bit more limited in its audience potential- not generally something that can be enjoyed by the whole family, you exclude kids and those of a more sensitive, or maybe "conservative" disposition (not politically conservative). So which style do people prefer and why? Which style is superior? A lot of DDers weigh in to offer their opinion on the subject, read out in idiotic voices by Banes and Ozoneocean Pototype - author of Busty Solar Banes - co-host, author of Typical Strange
Mon, 18 June 2012
This week, we pose the question "How can webcomics translate itself into real life work for you? What sorts of skills and things that you do in webcomics lead to real life jobs? (and viceversa)" Barb Jacobs - Expert Illustrator Darren 'The Wolf' Pearce - freelance writer, RPG creator - - lba, Alex Groh - Graphic artist and illustrator - Banes - Scriptwriter, co-host, editor, notes writer, Genius.
Direct download: Quackcast_82_-_Live_the_Dream_Jobs_Jobs_Jobs.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:49am PST
Mon, 11 June 2012
The wonderful, mighty, sagacious, imperial, magisterial, cultured, intellectual giant and genius that is the human incarnation of the celestial presence known only as "Kroatz" deigns to visit our humble corporeal realm for the sole purpose of eliciting answers to his series of well crafted and highly interesting inquiries into the nature and use of colours, silhouettes, and design aesthetics. This Quackcast records Ozoneocean's attempts to address these interesting queries. (Banes acts as the early intermediary for The Kroatz)
Topics and Show Notes:
Featured comics: 13live - V I R U S -
We cover here, roughly - Colour theory - Silhouettes - Design aesthetics
Links: Colour symbolism. - Ozoneocean pages that are discussed- 1. ozoneocean.20101110 2. ozoneocean.20061120 3 and 4. ozoneocean.20050730 5. Page5c-ozoneocean(DD radio play)
Contributors: The Kroatz - Banes, our co-host
Mon, 4 June 2012
...Ozoneocean drops his drawer’s KNOWLEDGE, that is...which is to say, he drops his insights and advice, as a talented drawer-of-things, on his devoted fanbase. In this episode, the great and powerful Oz expounds on his approach to his comic book and artistic activities and maybe talks a little software, too. Finally, ‘zone is coaxed into griping and grousing about stuff he finds annoying, and doles out advice for the hungry masses on how to lift ourselves from the gutter of mediocrity. Viva des Comiques! Meanwhile, Banes says “uh huh?” a lot. (written by Banes) Contributors: -
Direct download: Quackcast_80_-_Ozoneocean_drops_his_drawers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:21am PST
Tue, 29 May 2012
In this episode Banes turns the tables and shines the spotlight into my squinting, sweating face, forcing me to babble incoherently as I vainly attempt to give a good account for myself and my art technique. It turns out that while I perform ok as a passable interviewer, as an interviewee I'm off with the faeries! Banes is eventually able to dredge some almost useful info out of my jumbled mind, at least some of the time there... so this is where I try and give people some useful info on how to do art stuff and comic things! Contributors: -
Mon, 21 May 2012
This is the second and final part of our interview with our art expert Monique MacNaughton (AKA Coydog), Canadian comic artist extraordinaire! Here I interrogate her thoroughly, ferreting out every artistic secret, tip, trick, and tadpole that she keeps up the voluminous sleeves of her artist's smock or under her artist beret! This is a loooooong, loooooooong interview, and I apologise for being such a dreadful bore, but Monique and even Banes have a lot of interesting and useful things to say! So if you can tunes out the dreadful Aussie, this is actually a very useful and entirely bearable Quackcast! Contributors: -
Direct download: Quackcast_78_-_MoniqueM_art_expert_part_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:50am PST
Mon, 14 May 2012
Today with have lottsa specials! First up we have the first part of an interview with amazing comic artist Monique MacNaughton, AKA Coydog (, This highly skilled Canadian woman has been drawing comics for many years and is one of my personal comic heroes. She has more comic art skill in her fingernail than my entire body. She's here to share her skills with us and let us into some of the crafty tips, tricks, and techniques of comic drawing. And still no musical but something better: a custom acoustic Icelandic metal version of the DD theme by Gullas, and finally a blues number played by Gunwallace and sung by some loser! Contributors: -
Direct download: Quackcast_77_-_MoniqueM_exceptional_artist_extraordinaire_part_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:01am PST
Mon, 7 May 2012
Short story webcomics, flash fiction, Oh Henry stories, circular endings... what ARE these things? Well our resident writing expert extraordinaire from the land of the long white cloud fills us in with some new insights into the art of short fiction. How many panels, how many pages, what approach should you use typically when going for a short story? Well Gunwallace gives his take on all these questions and more, giving us the benefit of his years or experience and wealth of talent... Along with some extra special bonus ukulele music thrown in on top just for us!
Contributors: -
Direct download: Quackcast_76_-_Gunwallace_on_short_story_writing.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am PST
Mon, 30 April 2012
I officially rename my co-host Banes as "Columbo-Banes" because just as we're about to fade into nothing, winding up, he comes in with "just one more thing" which just happens to be a freaking brilliant suggestion that makes us fired up all over again with great stuff to talk about, but also making us go longer and longer. In the end though, he's a loveable rogue that always solves the case... In a crappy raincoat.
Extra: Tutorial/discussion on 3D comics -
Direct download: Quackcast_75_-_God_save_the_Genejoke_In_3D_Part_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:05am PST
Mon, 23 April 2012
Once again Genejoke is a guest on the Quackcast, but this time Banes is along for the ride as well and what a jolly party we make! The topic of this Quackcast is 3D art as it is used in webcomics. We have contributions from El Cid, House of Muses and of course Genejoke who put this Quackcast together. This is a two parter, just because Genejoke had a whole heap of very informative and interesting points to make about different aspects of 3D art and there was just no way it would only fit in one QC. - no soap again this week because I'm still working on the lyrics of the musical that I've turned it into... Extra:
Tutorial/discussion on 3D comics
- Uncanny Vally: - Contributors: Genejoke, the writer and interviewee: - Banes, our co-host: -
El Cid, our first contributor: - House of Muses, our second contributor: -
Tue, 17 April 2012
Today we have an interview With the widely acknowledged writer extraordinaire, scriptwriter for the 2012 DD radio play and author of the fantastic Character Development: Gunwallace. We learn many things from him, including some of the secrets of his extraordinary writing skill, his indefatigable collaboration techniques, the fact that he worked with one of the later artists of Tank Girl series back in the 90s, and that he's in the far land of the hobbits, clouds, Maoris, and even further in the future than ozoneocean: New Zealand!
Extra: Banes was our faithful editor and my great co-host again this time: - Our interview subject for this week, Gunwallace:
Tue, 10 April 2012
A super special epic saga soap special! We have ALL stories ALL the time here with a pseudo-comedy overdose of silliness! Over an hour of stupidity and nonsense held together by the soap character versions of Ironscarf, Macattack Kroatz, Harkovast, "the Narrator", and two strange teenage "girls" who think everything is totally gross. Now is your chance to try and catch up on the last few episodes, 6 to 11. Marvel at Hippievan's crash and resurrection, Kroatz's out of body perv-fest, the drunken quest for ouzo, Skoolmunkee's butt-sister, lots of Harkovast. the sexily armoured Pit Face, and the infamous kiss.I dare you to listen to this and retain your sanity!!!! There's even a special bonus track at the very end... Our What Happened While I Was Away players:
Direct download: Quackcast_72_comedy_soap_omnibus_two_youre_totally_looking_at_my_boobs.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:07pm PST
Mon, 2 April 2012
This is the 4th and last of Banes' screenwriting tutorials. We round up here with the final two story genres; "Superhero" and "Institutionalised", rounded out with some more useful time and tricks on writing in general! This series has been part of the Quackcast screenwriting month, beginning with Quackcast 68 and ending with Quackcast 71. Aaaaand we also have all the voice tryouts for the aspiring actors that want to be a part of the 2012 DD radio play! We'd love you to vote on your faves for each role- just write down the number you like for each and email your vote to, or PQ them to or just write it here in the QC comments! - Banes, talented screenwriter: -
Direct download: Quackcast_Episode_71_-_Institutionalised_superheros_screenwriting_part_4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:33pm PST
Tue, 27 March 2012
In the 3rd part of our 4 part focus on the art of story and screenwriting we have a look at some more interesting and popular story genres; Buddy Love, Fool Triumphant, and Whydunnit! We learn further tricks of the trade and gain more insights into the secret and amazing world of story writing, all from the mind of the genius screenwriting prodigy Banes! We also have episode 11 of our continuing nonsense comedy soap opera tale, now with improved sound effects!!-defects-effect-effectsss... and yet more idiocy. Lister discretion is advised; may contain violence, smelly farts, and passionate kissing. - Banes, talented screenwriter: -
Direct download: Quackcast_Episode_70_-_The__love_between_two_buddies_Screenwriting_part_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:17am PST