Mon, 21 May 2012
This is the second and final part of our interview with our art expert Monique MacNaughton (AKA Coydog), Canadian comic artist extraordinaire! Here I interrogate her thoroughly, ferreting out every artistic secret, tip, trick, and tadpole that she keeps up the voluminous sleeves of her artist's smock or under her artist beret! This is a loooooong, loooooooong interview, and I apologise for being such a dreadful bore, but Monique and even Banes have a lot of interesting and useful things to say! So if you can tunes out the dreadful Aussie, this is actually a very useful and entirely bearable Quackcast! Contributors: -
Direct download: Quackcast_78_-_MoniqueM_art_expert_part_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:50am PST