Mon, 24 June 2013
Banes and I talk about some of our fave comic book movies! That is, comics that have made the creative transition to the medium of film. We missed out a LOT but what can you do? It's a popular field. We discuss many modern superhero comicbook films like Watchmen, Batman, The Phantom etc, as well as non-superhero comicbook films like Brenda Starr, Modesty Blaise, Ghost in The Shell, Tank Girl, Asterix, Conan the Barbarian and so on. We talk about the different approaches they take to represent a vast comicbook cannon in the short space of 1 and a half or two and a half hours that a film goes for: sometimes they go for the origin story approach, sometimes they'll spoor the character, sometimes they'll depict a normal everyday representative adventure to show, and sometimes they'll show a condensed version of the entire story.
Direct download: Quackcast_130_-__The_art_of_comicbook_movies.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:03am PST
Mon, 10 June 2013
Quackcast 129 fits in with our technical series of Quackcasts when we investigate different comic making tools, like pen and paper, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Toon Boom Studio, Manga Studio etc. except this time we asked people to tell us about the tools they use to make their comic, the pros and cons, how much it costs, how long it took to learn how to use it, where other people can get it... all that sort of stuff, we wanted to know- that info can help others too so it's good to share it! And thankfully the wonderful wizards of webcomics graced us with the secrets of their best methods. Gullas -
Direct download: Quackcast_129_-__Wizards_of_webcomics_and_their_marvellous__techniques.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:15am PST
Mon, 3 June 2013
Like Quackcast 127, 128 is about early print comic influences, except this time it's the influences of Banes and Ozoneocean. We have a good long chat together about some of the old print comics that had the biggest influences on us in our early days of comic making... and reminisce about good old fun times reading those great comics like Mad Magazine and what we learned and took away from those experiences in art style, genre, comedy, and writing style.
Direct download: Quackcast_128_-__Ozone_and_Banes_Print_Comic_origins.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:23am PST