Mon, 17 December 2012
In this Quackcast Banes and I come back to our series on real world comic collaboration. If you've been listening a while you may recall that he and I decided to start up a comic together between the two of us. We talked about the process of getting that started. Here we revisit the idea and talk about how we're going with it so far... have there been any arguments? Any flakeouts? Disasters? Can Banes get his soufflé to rise juuuuust right? Will Ozone fail in his first catwalk runway show? The viewers must know! A collaborative comedy comic is a hard road when you're starting from scratch and we give you a real world view on how we two are doing with it. WYIHN - Project Jikoku - Banes, my magical co-elf -
Direct download: Quackcast_106_-_Real_world_comic_collab_part_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:46am PST
Mon, 10 December 2012
Summary: So back to what it IS... Well it's a lucky dip fan art thing. The people who sign up request what they'd like to receive and then after the deadline they're randomly and in secret assigned one of their fellow list members, so it's a surprise who you get your art present done by! So sign up, it might be ME who does your present! ^_^ The Flower and The Nose - The Godstrain - Secret Santa sign-up thread - Skool's lovely newspost about it: The man of the hour, Reashi - Reashi's comics, Lost Ages - Project Darklight - Banes, my magical co-elf -
Direct download: Quackcast_105_-_the_secret_society_of_Santas.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:12am PST