Mon, 25 November 2013
Niccea is the guest for Quackcast 143 because Banes and I are talking to her about how the 2013 DD Awards are going now! With the great DD blackout of 2013, the DD awards suffered a titanic blow... Things were just getting underway for the year when BOOB! ...or "BOOM" rather... it was all over. But on the urging of kawaiidaigakusei, Niccea kicked it into gear again! Now the awards are progressing in good order, but Niccea can always use more help so if you'd like to be in on this please follow the link in the Quackcast notes to the award forum.
Direct download: Quackcast_143_-_2013_DD_Awards_reboot.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:05am PDT
Mon, 18 November 2013
This week Kawaii gives us a detailed rundown of many of the drawing apps available for the ipad! Banes talks about some for the iphone and I mention some for Android devices. People should send in pics they’ve done in mobile drawing apps to Kawaii’s email -, we'd love to showcase them in a Newspost! don't forget to tell us what app and device you used.
Direct download: Quackcast_142_-_Drawing_on_ipads_and_Androids.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:46am PDT
Mon, 11 November 2013
The Gullas and Banes are BastardsCast is brought to you by the Solid Gold Dancers! Check out those costumes... nice! Well now that's over, let's introduce Quackcast 141. Skyfox Kawaiidaigakusei, Master Banes, and Captain Ozone come together to chat about this week's comic feature which is The Devon Legacy, then they go on to chat about what Kawaiidaigakusei will be doing for DD as our new featurer and Monday Newsposter. They also wax nostalgic on the history of The Duck, possible improvements, then get back on track and chat to Kawaiidaigakusei about comic featuring qualifications... and finally just chat about DD stuff in general. Next week: Drawing on mobile devices! Apps, apps, apps!!!!!
Remember that our URL is currently: URL is -
Skyfox Kawaiidaigakusei doing features -
Direct download: Quackcast_141_-_The_Gullas_and_Banes_are_BastardsCast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:31pm PDT
Mon, 4 November 2013
Big changes are coming! In this Quackcast we talk about what happened to the duck, what's happening now and what we're trying to make happen in the future. Banes and I chat about all this stuff. Some the most important aspects we mention are the new current domain name for the site, a possible name change for the Quackcast, the help from JustNoPoint and ComicRocket in getting us online again, new helpers coming along to do things like features (kawaiidaigakusei replaces Skool in doing features), and all sorts of bug fixes and new features for the site now a real possibility. Then we get onto a lighter note with a discussion about some Superhero movies and cool Anime series.
Featured comics: WTF series -
Rettubia - DoorMan - The Overture - Topics and Show Notes: Our URL is -
What name should the Quackcast change to?
DD code saviour1, JustNoPoint -
DD code saviour2, Comic Rocket - Kawaiidaigakusei doing features - DD Business manager, Trantor -
Direct download: Quackcast_140_-__Ducks_of_future_past_episode_ZERO.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30pm PDT