Boundbun joins us to talk about the plans for the upcoming Drunk Duck Anthology that the proud people of the DD Discord (Aggie and Mel), are talking about. It hopes to be a true mammoth of a project at something like 130 pages! So if you'd like to get in on this and have your work actually published then join the Discord and navigate to the correct chat. You can have your say on what form the anthology takes.
We also chat about anthologies in general. Drunk Duck has produced a few different printed anthologies back in the past. But I'm pretty sure that was over 10 years ago! So it's great that our Discord crew are bringing it back again. An anthology is a collection of stories, usually held together with a common theme (ghosts, Scifi, magic etc), they're a great way to find out about new creators that you might not otherwise check out. One of my fave anthology style comics is Heavy Metal and I tend to think that a contemporary DD anthology would come out in a similar way.
This week Gunwallace has given us the theme to Crystal Visions: Softly, softly… quiet contemplation on the stillness. Visions gradually coalesce in the twilight darkness, grey upon grey, shapes form and emerge, only to melt away again into the shadows. Once again all is pure and still.
Topics and shownotes
Have your input on the new DD Anthology! -
Early DD Anthology -
BoundBun -
Featured comic:
Myths -
Featured music:
Crystal Visions - -, by Roma, rated E.
Special thanks to:
Gunwallace -
Tantz Aerine -
Pitface -
Ozoneocean -
Banes -
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Tue, 28 July 2020
It's just Banes, Tantz and me today, chatting about the important topic of continuity! How do you maintain it, what continuity errors have you made, what continuity errors have you noticed in media? What's the difference between character continuity, story continuity and chronological continuity? - Something you notice when you watch or read a series in chronological order that was were NOT produced or meant to be viewed that way.
Tue, 21 July 2020
This week the brilliant Damehelsing (aka Agiebun), comes on to tell us the details of the DD anthology! Last week Boundbun gave us a general overview but now we're having a look at exactly HOW it's going to be done and how YOU can contribute to it. We'll have details and discussion on the DD Discord server as well as in our Twitter and on the forums. Currently there are 5 themes that we're deciding between: Urban fantasy, Noir, Community, Horror and Halloween. We'll have to decide which of those we like best to tie together the whole thing!
Direct download: QUACKCAST_488_-_DD_Anthology_details.mp3
Category:Webcomics -- posted at: 12:00am PST
Tue, 14 July 2020
Direct download: QUACKCAST_487_-_DD_Anthology_introduction.mp3
Category:Webcomics -- posted at: 12:00am PST
Tue, 7 July 2020
Today we chat with BoundBun, Damehelsing, and Bluecuts34. Who are they? Well they're 3 Drunk-Duckers and they manage our Discord server! Yes, we do have a Discord! You can visit it and chat with them in person! - or become a patron and see them on video ;)
Direct download: QUACKCAST_486_-_Discordia_Chatting_real_time.mp3
Category:Webcomics -- posted at: 12:00am PST