Tue, 29 July 2014
Guess who we had on THIS week? It was Amelius and Evil Emperor Nick! The husband and wife powerhouse behind some very popular comics on DD including Charby The Vampirate and Cwen's Quest. We haven't had them on since Quackcast 10 and 11 which have unfortunately been totally wiped from the interwebs... But that doesn't matter so much since you can hear them both afresh now and they have some goo stuff to say, including talking about the newly revamped version of Charby on charbythevampirate.com that's only up to 50 or so pages as well as the new related project Here there be monsters. We apologise for some slight technical difficulties, but Amy and Nick were good sports anyway and it was a an enjoyable interview!
Topics and Show Notes:
Direct download: Quackcast_177_-_Charby_the_Vampirate_forever.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT
Tue, 22 July 2014
For our FINAL part of our discussion of story endings we talk about yet MORE ending tropes, methods and styles. In a fit of towering arrogance and indefensible pomposity we even trash the mighty Shakespeare for his ending of Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet! Our contributors offered up some truly interesting perspectives on the matter or constructing story endings and we give them their due respect by reading them out in strange voices...
Topics and Show Notes: Banes - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Banes/
Tue, 15 July 2014
Arrrr, this be the second part of our discussion on writing ENDINGS in stories of all kinds, particularly for webcomics! But we discuss a few movie and TV endings here, Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, No Country For Old Men, True Detective, and Dexter to name a few.
Topics and Show Notes:
Tue, 8 July 2014
This is the end, Beautiful friend, This is the end, My only friend, the end... so drones Jim Morrison in the classic Doors song, but this isn't the end, rather it's a Quackcast ABOUT endings! Today we talk about the ends of stories: how do your write good ones? What makes a good ending? What makes a bad ending? What do you hate? What do you love? Well, many people had something to say on this topic of endings, and it's a very useful subject because ending a story is the hardest part of writing it! We could all use a bit of help in this regard, so listen in for tips and tricks in part one of Endings, a 3 parter! Our very first one!!!
Topics and Show Notes:
Tue, 1 July 2014
In the AMAZING world of webcomics tomorrow Chromium printing presses will print out up to 6 pages an hour!!!! In all 3 colours! Black, White AND yellow!!! For your viewing pleasure comics from many different creators are all able to be viewed AT THE SAME TIME, fully updated every day on our state of the art pin-boards! Comic pages are affixed to a state of the art cork backed board with only the finest drawing pins and tacks!
Topics and Show Notes:
Direct download: Quackcast_173_-_The_Marvelous_Tomorrowcast.mp3
Category:Webcomics -- posted at: 12:00am PDT