Mon, 25 March 2013
In Quackcast 118 Banes and I approach the subject of Photoshop, attempting to give a quick intro to the dark, mysterious, primordial creator god of webcomics... in our own rambling way, well in MY own rambling way since I'm the on bumbling through pretending to know what I'm talking about while Banes asks sensible questions to prod me along onto the correct lines again. We chat about layers, setting stuff to "multiply" and what that means, mention short-cuts, pallets etc. One of the conclusions we come to is that good old Photoshop is such a gigantic behemoth that as a webcomic artist you don't really need it anyway since it's massive overkill and there are many specialised art programs that are more streamlined and more clearly focussed on the art skills you need, BUT if you really MUST have a pro photo-editing tool like Photoshop hopefully this gives you at least some brief info on it- as much as you can without screen-shots and stuff. :)
Direct download: Quackcast_118_-_The_Indusrty_Standard.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:44am PST
Mon, 18 March 2013
After Bravo1102 mysteriously vanished from his remote, smelly, shack in the wilderness, Banes and I were thrown back onto our own not inconsiderable resources in an attempt for a replacement topic! That was provided for us serendipitously by Skoolmunkee and her fantastic newspost about figure drawing! So Banes and I go into detail about the importance of drawing models from life and about some of the tricks of the trade- i.e. shorter poses tend to be more dynamic than the longer ones, and other helpful tips like using movies for reference as opposed to photos if you want to get better poses, scenes and see how clothes and fabrics work... The topic of this weeks Quackcast has inspired us to tackle more technical subjects, so next week: Photoshop!
Direct download: Quackcast_117_-_Figuring_out_how_to_draw.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:42pm PST
Mon, 11 March 2013
Direct download: Quackcast_116_-_Bravo_in_the_Valley_of_the_Dolls.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:26am PST
Mon, 4 March 2013
Skool has temporarily reformed from her evil ways to come onto the Quackcast with Banes and Ozoneocean to talk about some changes to the newsposting and feature schedule.