Tue, 24 June 2014
Come on down, it's Quiz time! For this week's Quackcast we had a quiz based on DD comics, as a friendly, fun way to try and promote them... there's even a bit of Drunk Duck history mixed up in the questions. Just a smidge. We had three contestants taking part for the honour of telling everyone else to suck it; Archaeologist Amazon Adventurer Artist Pitface, Psychologist Freedom Fighter Lawyer Comicer Tantz Aerine, and Scientist Philosopher Comic Group Leader and all around boob-fancier Abt Nihil. They all competed to the very limit of their abilities, striving for dominance against each other, employing every dirty trick in the book and even some new ones... Topics and Show Notes: Famaly photos - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v439/ozoneocean/ozpit3_zps37244996.jpg
Tue, 17 June 2014
Hello! This is Banes from the future. I've come back to warn you of a grim, grim fate that awaits us all. Please go back in time and contribute to the Quackcast on the subject of time travel. Last time, you didn't contribute and it DESTROYED THE DAMNED WORLD! Topics and Show Notes:
Direct download: Quackcast_171_-_Lets_do_the_timecast_again.mp3
Category:Webcomics -- posted at: 12:00am PDT
Tue, 10 June 2014
Kawaiidaigakusei came up with a great idea for a call-in show… That didn’t entirely work out so we did a “Harassment show” instead, where we phoned various duckers till we could finally get someone to talk to us. Seriously, we were desperate!
Topics and Show Notes:
Tue, 3 June 2014
In this fake Chatcast, Ozoneocean and Banes receive calls from their versions of various duckers who ask many interesting questions such as "Where do you get your ideas from?", and "Where do you get your ideas from?", and the always popular and thought provoking enigma of our time; "Where do you get your ideas from?".
Topics and Show Notes: