Tue, 25 April 2017
Direct download: Quackcast_320_-_Making_the_reader_believe.mp3
Category:Webcomics -- posted at: 12:00am PST
Tue, 18 April 2017
Photocomics don't get nearly enough love. A while ago Banes did a great newspost on the subject where he did some great little promotional reviews of some prominent photocomics on DD. I thought that was a cool idea and I've been meaning to return to the subject for a while. In this Quackcast Pitface and I use funny voices to talk about photocomics. But what ARE photocomics? Well the artist sets up models, toys, artwork, or themselves, and shoots photos of them in certain scenes in order to create a narrative. Later on they'll edit those together in something like Photoshop, adding captions and word bubbles and basically turning them into a conventional comic.
Direct download: Quackcast_319_-_Roll_out_the_photocomics.mp3
Category:Webcomics -- posted at: 12:00am PST
Tue, 11 April 2017
The most important thing when doing your comic is to maintain your enthusiasm- THIS is what helps you keep working. Not feedback, not praise, not fans, but your own internal passion. Feedback is great, but you can become addicted to it and when it's not there or there's' not enough not it your work can die. In order to be able to keep creating your passion for your work should be internal, not external, you need to be self sustaining:
Direct download: Quackcast_318_-_Maintaining_the_enthusiasm.mp3
Category:Webcomics -- posted at: 12:00am PST
Tue, 4 April 2017
Today we interview Hannagrid Wright aka 5thezombie! She's the creator of the great Sci-Fi webcomic To The Galaxy And BACK! -featured by Kawaii last year. To the Galaxy and back features Kat and Zoey, two girls that have been drawn together by fate, across the universe, to have all sorts of adventures in outerspace. All Zoey really wants is to get back to her dad, but having a dashing adventurer alien companion is going to make the ride a little more fun.
Direct download: Quackcast_317_-_Hannagrid_Wright_Interview.mp3
Category:Webcomics -- posted at: 12:00am PST