Tue, 27 February 2018
Jason Moon, author of Crater's Edge, messaged me about some comments he had. He was perturbed about reader reaction to his storyline and wasn't sure how to handle the comments. I told him that those sorts of comments are the very greatest compliment an author can get, because once you get them you've reached the stage where people care about your work enough to get angry: they're invested emotionally in the characters.
Direct download: Quackcast_363_-_The_Art_of_comments.mp3
Category:Webcomics -- posted at: 12:00am PDT
Tue, 20 February 2018
In this Quackcast we chat about all the different options for hosting your webcomic. At the moment it seems the fashionable new young kiddies on the block are Webtoons and Tapastic, but they're certainly NOT the only choices for webcomic hosts out there and certainly not the best choices. I think we make a good case here for why Drunk Duck is a better choice in many ways, but we also bring up other host sites like twitter, comic fury, comic Genesis (used to be Keenspace), Tumblr, Deviant Art, Smack Jeeves, Fur Affinity, self hosting on a Word Press site etc. Banes - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/banes Ozoneocean - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean
Tue, 13 February 2018
Today we talk about where our characters began, not their origin stories or why we started writing them but rather what they used to look like! Pitface was inspired to create a thread based on this idea by Emma Clare's newspost series of origin stories. So we just HAD to have Emma Clare along with us to discus this too! Pit, Tantz, and Emma discuss their bishie origins and talk about maybe doing a bishie DD calendar… We HAVE to make them do that! Emma Clare of course does our Friday newsposts as well as the comic Puppets and Strings and is the artist on Constellation Chronicles. What did your character look like when you first started?
Direct download: Quackcast_361_-_primordial_creations.mp3
Category:Webcomics -- posted at: 12:00am PDT
Tue, 6 February 2018
In this Quackcast I thought we'd chat about Emma Clare's great and thoughtful topic of webcomic origin stories:
Direct download: Quackcast_360_-_How_did_you_start_in_webcomics.mp3
Category:Webcomics -- posted at: 12:00am PDT