Fri, 30 November 2012
24 hour comics day was on the 20th of October! Buuuut, we dodn't cover that for the Quackcast because we were too into our halloweeeenie plans, I think... or maybe we were just being lazy, I fergit. Anyway, in this week's Quackcast we speak to someone who actually participated in the great and fabled rituals surrounding the legendary event to get an inside perspective on just exactly how things work. To that end Dr Banes and I packed up our carpetbags, shucked on our greatcoats and top hats and did up each other's gaiters in order to travel to merry Ye'olde Engal-land to speak to one of its inhabitants who was rumoured to be a man of great knowledge on this subject. There we encountered a fellow by the name of Tom, or Call Me Tom to be exact, a fine figure of a man, raw boned and massive, standing well nigh over nine feet tall and a million inches, bald as a coot on top, with red sidewhiskers down to his knees. He was good enough to let us into the secret lore of 24 hour comics day!
Direct download: Quackcast_104_-_Call_me_24_hour_comic_Tom.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:11pm PST
Mon, 12 November 2012
They say a long journey begins with a single step... Banes and I are undertaking just such a journey, undertaking a collaborative comic between the two of us! In this Quackcast we finally try and put all the theory into practise, remembering what we have learned from all our many previous Quackcasts on the subject of collaboration and attempting to find what out of all that is most useful to us in our stab at doing a collaborative web-comic.We undertook this Quackcast with no plan or structure, so please forgive us if it was a bit ropey, it was really just an attempt to document the beginning of our collaboration.
Direct download: Quackcast_103_-_begining_a_collaboration_a_single_step.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:55am PST
Mon, 5 November 2012
For Quackcast 101 and 102 now and the coming of Halloween Banes and I returned to the theme of horror, opening the subject up to contributions from the community! We start off with a tale of horror and fear from the cold, white frozen north... And then diving back into the subject of horror pop-culture, delving into many other interesting sidetracks along the way like people with weird eyes and other standard horror techniques. Again Banes was our editor and musician, outdoing himself masterfully with his SFX and amazing horror music... This week, staring Ozombieocean, Ghoulmunkee and Pains! A$$hole - -
Horror thread:
Direct download: Quackcast_102_-__Banes_and_Ozones_Bogus_Journey.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:03pm PST