Tue, 26 September 2017
In this Quackcast we chat about how objectification can rob the humanity from a character and turn them into a meaningless object which can in turn alienate your audience by making your work less relatable, but with things like porn where character is less important than the on screen action objectification is more acceptable.
Tue, 19 September 2017
In this Drunk Duck Quackcast we chat about the importance and the process of reviews! Good ones, bad ones, why they all matter, and also why they often don't! ;)
Tue, 12 September 2017
Tantz Aerine did a great newspost the other day about how the clothing of comic characters can be used to communicate information and emotions just as much as any other element in your comic making arsenal. And that's what we discuss in this Quackcast! Clothing can communicate state of mind, occupation, status, personality, era, class and a host of other things. Have a listen to our Quackcast to learn more!
Direct download: Quackcast_339_-_Communicate_With_Clothes.mp3
Category:Webcomics -- posted at: 12:00am PST
Tue, 5 September 2017
The saying goes that “Good artists copy, great artists steal”, it's
Direct download: Quackcast_338_-_Shared_DNA_of_ideas.mp3
Category:Webcomics -- posted at: 12:00am PST