Tue, 5 October 2021
Tantz explains why she really hates a bunch of tropes that are super commonly used in things, stuff like very obvious plot armour for the protagonist so that you KNOW nothing can seriously hurt them so you stop caring what happens to them and in the story in general, child-led stories where the adults are all useless and ineffectual because it takes away your suspension of disbelief, and amnesia where a huge bunch of the story is erased so the writers can just repeat stuff over and over. Banes and I join it to talk about stuff we hate too! One of the tropes I hate is how assassins and great fighters are currently depicted as fighting with a mathematical precision, ala John Wick, Daniel Craig's James Bond, Jason Bourne, the Black Widow, Captain America etc. It's not that it's not realistic because of course it isn't and it's not meant to BE realistic, the problem is that the precise, choreographed, balletic, perfect kung-Fu style of gunfighting is a trope that's used as a shortcut to indicate that the person is a great fighter highly trained: It's a trope, and it's hugely overused and boring. No one ever fights like that, especially not with guns and it's not cool anymore because we've seen it a million times, Give it a rest and show us more natural fighting for a while. The same with wire effects, parkour: They've turned action heroes into anime characters. That's great the first few times but it's at saturation point now and useless.
Direct download: QUACKCAST_551_-_Tropes_we_LOVE_to_hate....mp3
Category:Webcomics -- posted at: 12:00am PDT