Tue, 3 August 2021
Mal (aka Bluecuts), Alice (aka DameHelsing), and Pitface are all together in the Quackcast to chat about all the things involved in making the DD anthology! They get a bit kinky with their symbolism and analogies haha! So be warned. The language gets a little spicy… It makes a fun listen! These three great people worked hard over a whole year to bring together the contributions of many creators to put them all into this amazing horror anthology so they could fund the design update for DD. So please help support it and buy a copy, it's only $15 DD Horror anthology link: https://drunkducksells.gumroad.com/l/EBCcv
Direct download: QUACKCAST_542_-_Anthology_team_interview.mp3
Category:Webcomics -- posted at: 12:00am PDT