Mon, 11 November 2013
The Gullas and Banes are BastardsCast is brought to you by the Solid Gold Dancers! Check out those costumes... nice! Well now that's over, let's introduce Quackcast 141. Skyfox Kawaiidaigakusei, Master Banes, and Captain Ozone come together to chat about this week's comic feature which is The Devon Legacy, then they go on to chat about what Kawaiidaigakusei will be doing for DD as our new featurer and Monday Newsposter. They also wax nostalgic on the history of The Duck, possible improvements, then get back on track and chat to Kawaiidaigakusei about comic featuring qualifications... and finally just chat about DD stuff in general. Next week: Drawing on mobile devices! Apps, apps, apps!!!!!
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Skyfox Kawaiidaigakusei doing features -
Direct download: Quackcast_141_-_The_Gullas_and_Banes_are_BastardsCast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:31pm PST
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