Mon, 21 January 2013
Ozone and Banes are joined by some of our most fave recurring guests Tantz Aerine and Pit Face, to form... The Quacktet! The Quacktet talk about characters, writing and all the things that can go wrong and right with character development, both in story writing and in visual design. Things went a BIT awry and this was our THIRD attempt at doing a Quackcast that eveneing, to top it off I was quite ill at the time too, with a bucket by my side... Tantz says "NO" a lot, we learn that characters need proper discipline (it turns out spanking just isn't enough), we talk about Pit Face working on a new collaborative community project, and Tantz Aerine fighting the good fight as a hero of the modern Greek political resistance.We apologise for getting a little bit silly.
Topics and Show Notes: Featured comics: Don Josh - Red Velvet Requiem -
The Accidentals -
Direct download: Quackcast_109_-_Tantzface_and_Pit_Aerine_Quacktet_TAG_TEAM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:49pm PST
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