Mon, 5 November 2012
For Quackcast 101 and 102 now and the coming of Halloween Banes and I returned to the theme of horror, opening the subject up to contributions from the community! We start off with a tale of horror and fear from the cold, white frozen north... And then diving back into the subject of horror pop-culture, delving into many other interesting sidetracks along the way like people with weird eyes and other standard horror techniques. Again Banes was our editor and musician, outdoing himself masterfully with his SFX and amazing horror music... This week, staring Ozombieocean, Ghoulmunkee and Pains! A$$hole - -
Horror thread:
Direct download: Quackcast_102_-__Banes_and_Ozones_Bogus_Journey.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:03pm PST