Tue, 27 September 2016
The idea fr this Quackcast was inspired by a Korean TV series that Tantz Aerine recommended called “W” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W_(TV_series)). The show is about a manga artist who does a super popular webcomic. He wants to quit doing it and has decided to end by killing off his main character, but his main character seems to have ideas of his own about that… Tantz and I thought about how that could apply to us real webcomicers. That's a fantasy situation, but if it could happen, which of your characters would do that? Which one is independent enough from you that they would want to take on a life of their own and fight you?
Direct download: QUACKCAST_290_-_Characters_coming_alive.mp3
Category:Webcomics -- posted at: 12:00am PDT